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ATDP  >  Human Factors and Ergonomics  >  Overview

Human Factors and Ergonomics

At the core of product development lies the human user. The physical and cognitive elements of human beings are the basis of product design, so information about human body, behavior, thinking, and senses should be reflected in product design. In addition, the human factor, behavior, and environment of the individual should be considered to design clothing that is suitable for the purpose. This applies to a wide range of clothing items, including functional wear and protective wear, as well as everyday wear.


Therefore, we conduct research to acquire ergonomic data related to humans through scientific methods, analyze them, and reflect them in product development.


특수 작전복/혹한복, 민군기술협력사업, 방위사업청

2023.12.05 ~

족부 체형 및 운동에 기반한 인간공학적 리커버리 풋웨어 개발, 교내지원사업, 서울대학교

2022.09.01 ~ 

검사자∙피검사자의 인간 요소 및 검진 환경 기반 인간공학적 건강검진복 개발, 민간지원사업, KMI 한국의학연구소

2023.09.04 ~ 2024.02.29

난연 궤도차량 승무원 점퍼 및 조종 점퍼, 국방기술품질원

2019.01.01 ~ 2021.06.30

방탄복 Ⅱ, 국방기술품질원

2019.01.01 ~ 2019.12.31

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